RedFox Blog: At Last! Off The List.

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RedFox Blog: At Last! Off The List.

On October 25, 2020, Posted by , In RedFoxPosts, With Comments Off on RedFox Blog: At Last! Off The List.

Post 755 25/10/20

Covid-19 has given us a load of bad news for the most part of this year. The UK government has also imposed travel bans where ever the virus pops up across Europe so not to bring it back into this country. Therefore ruining holidays which were Pre-booked a long time before Covid-19. However the Home and transport offices have announced that some countries will come off that list as from tomorrow. This is good new if you want to travel to the Seychelles or to Mykonos or to Denmark. As they are coming off the list and now are officially safe to travel to.

But there has to be vigilance. Any resurgence of infections when you come back means that they will go back on the unsafe list. The European continent is suffering a second wave and that does mean no travel to other European cities with have to self isolate on your return for 14 days. So if you are traveling to a European destination for business. Then you will on your return home have to stay there for 14 days. Christmas travel is still out of the question as of course the self isolation rules. So there will be no happy traveling at Christmas unless we become virus free.

No Help For Those That Work

Even in a financial pinch the UK Government has always found some money to help those that are struggling to pay their way. But in this crisis the UK government has decided that the lowest payed should suffer. That means that if you are low paid for which many are. Then you should only get paid for the bare minimum of your income. And it bad luck if your business is closed down to stop this virus spreading. But the economic damage will be a disaster. Many people will fall behind with either their rent or mortgage and may find themselves homeless and on the streets.

This in the short term is a good idea with the finances of the country. But! in the long term this policy will cause harm. Because if the economy picks up after Covid-19. Then those that are low paid will not be in a position to purchase anything. Every bit of the economy will suffer if the UK government does not help ordinary people to survive a lockdown because many will not be able to afford to stay at home without pay. Policy might be telling them different but it would be true when we come out of the other end. Some one should tell them how the economy works!

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