RedFox Blog: Bee Nice

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RedFox Blog: Bee Nice

On March 4, 2021, Posted by , In RedFoxPosts, With Comments Off on RedFox Blog: Bee Nice

Post 808 4/3/21

Wasps are nasty as they sting without being provoked. But Bee’s can sting but its the last resort. But they are something that keeps nature in balance and we must protect them. However with the leaving of the EU another change is coming allowing farmers using certain pesticides which was banned by the EU. These pesticides kill bee’s. And that means the burden of nature tilts against the bee’s. Bee’s are an essential part of nature. They pollenate plants as they gather Nectar to create honey. So we in the human world are really put into place their destruction.

We must also know that the disappearance of the bee would mean that pests the bee’s control will increase and then we would need more pesticides to control the pests that bee’s controlled. Making honey would also stop and the world will be without a rich natural food source. Where would we be without the bee. Pollination would not take place and this would kill off certain flowers because of the loss of bee’s. The natural world would be devastated by the killing off of our bee’s. Nature would take a turn for the worse.!

It’s Just Not Cricket 5/3/21

Professional sport is the only type of sport that is currently allowed during this third lockdown. The amateur side of things has had to stop. Many children and young adults that rely on their regular sporting activity cannot as yet take part. But! at the end of this month all being well all those restrictions will be lifted. And outside sport like amateur football can once again take place. Mind you it can only take part out in the open. As inside sport cannot take place until next month. And the sport in the picture above has been devastated by this lockdown and the restrictions on travel.

Skiing is the most popular of the winter sports for the amateur. You could fly to an ski resort and be taught how to ski. But that of course cannot take place due to the Coronavirus pandemic. As countries go into lockdown then so does the winter sports scene. But the pro’s can do this as it’s important they continue as its their lively hoods we are talking about. And! there are the facilities to test every professional sportsperson. And if they have to self isolate then they are paid while they are doing this. The amateur cannot do this. But the reduction of the infection rate will allow this to happen.

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