Accounts and Tariffs

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Core Account.

Our Core account is our main business advertising services……..Digital advertising and promotion. Currently Unavailable.

NoN Core Account.

This account is our secondry business account…..Leaflet delivery, Banner design, Posters and other advertising services. Currently unavailable.

Community Account.

This account is for Non Profit making organisations. i.e Charities, Voluntary organisations, Community Groups and any other non-profit making groups not mentioned within this list. Currently Unavailable


Core Account

First 12 Months…………………Free Period

Year 2+…………………………….£120 per annum

Non Core Account

Advertising Posters, Banners, Business Cards and any other forms of one off advertising……Cost of product+£10 per Hr

Delivery of leaflets…………….£100 per block ( One block is 5 hrs Delivery Time)

Community Account

Advertising per event………….£15

Please Note: All prices are subject to change without given notice ( see Policy Document B1-12)

Policy Documents are available upon Request.