RedFox Blog: Southern Beats
Post 274 21/10/18
The sun is out and the wind is from a keen north and you are wrapped up in a nice blanket on a sofa near a roaring log fire. But you could be living it up near a palm beach bar in a very hot destination some where in the tropics or even on a carribbean Island. We have blogged about cruising before but the ultimate getaway holiday is to go away to the sun socked beaches living it up. Yes but it is very expensive. Well there are better ways of getting a deal as many people always cannot makeit and have to cancel.
These last minute deals makes things a bit hairy as you have to get the time off work and that in itself is very difficult. Then you have to get the clothes together and that means having to go out shopping even tp prepare for the trip. And how much do you take ? Because you just cannot get the money while your away and there is no bank aboard ship. It is a difficult one but one that could be right up some ones street and is good at organising. But wouldn’t the break be the ultimate getaway?
Just think no more having to wash up all that sun and sea. Just lying there while the cruise ship takes you to some far flung destination. And then come back all sun tanned and ready for spring! Well a get away break on a cruise ship will be the best! wouldn’t it! Visiting the southern hemisphere for6 months and then come back and not having to face winter but spring and another summer. WOW what a life and what a Holiday. So look out at your nearest travel agents and have a look to see if there are some bargains to be had.