RedFox Blog: Moans and Groans

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RedFox Blog: Moans and Groans

On October 24, 2018, Posted by , In RedFoxPosts, With Comments Off on RedFox Blog: Moans and Groans

Post 277 24/10/18

As I Blog there are a lot of moans and groans lately about local government issues in the UK and the worse is yet to come. Even the outlying areas of the country are unusually restless due to the many cuts that local government services have suffered. And now have been realised as the cuts take affect. These cuts due to the Government taking away the finances of the council only allowing them to raise taxes from local people. Is it a problem ? Well the government gives a third of local councils income. However now the government has withdrawn this local services come to suffer!

It can be reversed but it would need a lot of finances to do this. In the USA and other countries taxes that are raised locally are then spent locally. And the same should be applied in the UK. But central Government will remove those finances as well. All local taxes where ever you live are capped and you cannot or even not allow the council to go into debt. It is time for these councils to have a restored budget so they can provide a better service than the one they provide right now.

We as local people always pay the price of having cuts to our local services. With some local councillors standing by and letting it happen. But there are some good councillors from all political persuasions that do not like what’s going on and they become independent just to keep out of the so called political line. It is difficult to keep out of the firing line and it is difficult to muster the energy to keep on fighting. But in the interests of the voter there has to be a willing to carry on and listen to the moans and groans of voters.

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