RedFox Blog: Boom!

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RedFox Blog: Boom!

On February 10, 2021, Posted by , In RedFoxPosts, With Comments Off on RedFox Blog: Boom!

Post 797 10/2/21

We have now seen two Starships explode on their way down from their twelve Kilometer climb. The first SN8 exploded on return because the feet that the Starship will rest on when landing did not fully support the starship and also one of the engines did not relight. The same problem has seemed to dog SN9 although this time it has still has not be confirmed. It seems from the video fell off and then seconds later another engine problem as one did not relight again. This is what proving flights have to iron out without the need to sort them out later.

Test flights were never part of the Apollo missions nor part of the shuttle missions. These flights were just a cross of fingers that the flight crew had to take a chance. But today through computer technology it can be done as all the flight controls can be done remotely. Therefore when the starship is first put into space then it can be done safely as well. No humans will be harmed and no families will have to mourn a loved on. Most flights of SpaceX are now computer controlled and that means that humans can be sure that the technology is safe when they go into space.

Another Bad Winter For Farmers 11/2/21

This winter has been very bad for farmers because of the rain fall and now snow and freezing weather. Although the largest snowfall has been in the North but also a shock snowfall in the East of the UK. This all adds up as water will seep into the soil and spoil any harvest that the country can produce. This means any harvest will be down and imports will have to be drawn upon. And! also prices will have to rise. I did blog about this in Glug. And I will keep on blogging about this because our climate is changing. Farmers are at the end of this and trying to cope with the changes.

Food production is also being hit across the world and that food shortages could be a regular thing. Our supermarkets will then have to have empty shelves and prices increase will of course hit the lowest paid. And then food poverty will also be common. Really is this what we humans want ? The weather will get more unusual as time goes on and farmers will have to try and keep up. But farming land is weather related and that weather as I have said is getting more and more unpredictable. And farming land and the ways will have to change to cope!

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