RedFox B;og: Travel Passport Please!

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RedFox B;og: Travel Passport Please!

On February 28, 2021, Posted by , In RedFoxPosts, With Comments Off on RedFox B;og: Travel Passport Please!

Post 806 28/2/21

The next controversial problem is that if people want to travel then they want to travel in safety. Well that may not happen once all restrictions have been lifted by all governments. Because some will refuse to be vaccinated the question becomes then could they be infected and if so would they then be a health risk. Travel is the best way to spread a virus and we could see ourselves back to square one if we did not implement some sort of passport scheme to ensure that there is no one infected with Coronavirus. And if there was would screening pick it up ?

Vaccination is the only way to stop any spread of any virus. And flying it around the world is the best way of infecting millions. So! if the person sitting next to you has not been vaccinated then you could be very ill with Covid. We do not want that to be like it. So! to make sure then there should be some passport to ensure that no one goes abroad without being vaccinated first. Although I might be out of step with anyone because this might discriminate. But then we do not want another crisis when a plane load of passengers goes down with Covid-19. It is time to open up but travel must take its responsibility seriously as well as the government.

The Dire Consequences Of Covid. 1/3/21

We now have been a year through which I hope will never happen again in my living memory. The closing of shops and the economy coming to a stop is one of the most dire things that has happened to the world. Many governments has had to keep the population safe and that means just staying at home. No one in their wildest dreams would have not have dreamt that this would happen to the world. You cannot just stop trading without having any economic damage. Shops and the supply industry rely on shoppers from buying things.

Nothing brought means that the bills that keep a building heated and in good maintenance has to be paid. No money means a lot of problems paying the bills. A business needs the money. And a shutdown means certain financial ruin. I expect many business’s to go bust as the economy feels the pain of these lockdowns. I do hope that the virus can be controlled by vaccination as I do worry that many will not keep themselves vaccinated. And if we find that many do not. Could we find ourselves in the same place again yearly ? And then we will devastate our economy even more!

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